welcome, i'm

looking to delve deep into the world of computer science


About Me

Hello! I'm a computer engineering student at the University of Waterloo (2A).

I have always been exposed to different mediums of technology. From classic browser games to VR simulators, I've always been fascinated by these intricate creations and its infinite capabilties. As I grew older, I naturally became intrigued by the science behind these applications — inspired to create the same things that had amazed me. This is where my interest in coding began. As I continue to expand my knowledge in this field, I hope to showcase my progression through personal projects and tackling various problem-sets.

Beyond that, I enjoy reading, speedcubing, walking my dog, and immersing myself into new skills.

Skills & Interests

Web Development

I have created websites for my workplace and for various other personal projects. Focusing on my implementing different libraries and frameworks to further advance the functionality and visual appeal of my projects.

Programming Languages

Proficient in C/C++, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Java and Python. I also try to create something with each language I learn!

First Robotics - Team 1246

Worked in a team with 3 other programmers to build the 2022 FRC challenge robot with Java. Responsible for implementing compressor API with pneumatics


I have had a passion for speedcubing and solving various puzzles ever since I was twelve. My favorite events are the 3x3 (sub-13) and 5x5


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  • General
  • Websites
  • Games
Perfect Salon Website

Perfect Salon & Nails

Music Player




Get In Touch

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